Beauty in Isolation | Tasmin Meyer Ersahin
Quarantined in Brazil, the rising photographer turns the camera on herself.
Time alone offers a chance to check in with ourselves—to reflect, reset, and recharge. And in difficult times such as these, when we are all separated from loved ones, we do ourselves a favor by practicing self-care. It is key to reducing anxiety, improving your mood, and refueling your body and spirit.
The New York photographer Tasmin Meyer Ersahin has been spending this time in her mother’s hometown of Florianópolis, Brazil. Separated from her usual subjects, her friends, she turns the camera on herself, capturing some beautiful moments alone.

Self-Care Tips from Tasmin
1. I like to do something relaxing every day, whether it’s taking a hot bath, listening to a great record, or lighting some Breu.
2. Move your body, dance around the house and work out if you’re feeling it.
3. Drink lots of water to keep your skin looking and feeling good.
4. Dressing up a bit before video chatting with my friends makes me feel happy. Getting dressed before going out to a party or having dinner with friends is half the fun for me, so keeping a bit of that in my routine makes it easier to be apart from everyone.